• 650-360-9309

  • 101 S. San Mateo Drive, Suite 102, San Mateo, CA

Assisting Your Frail and Debilitated Patients

This story is about Mrs. Z, an elderly patient with Restless Leg Syndrome who had difficulty getting to her doctor’s appointments due to lack of transportation and mobility. Her doctor was able to help by connecting her with resources such as county transportation services and a life-alert medallion, and eventually referring her daughter for concierge medicine home visits when she could no longer leave the house. The story highlights how intervention can reduce caregiver burdens, improve patient functionality and independence, and provide better care through the right tools and support.

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Physician Barriers to Digital Health Adaptation

I was intrigued to see several innovators who presented their products at the most recent InnovatorMD Global Summit. Listening to the presenters, my parallel thought process was, “does this product help or further divide the already #fragmented care the #elderly and the #homebound patients receive? As a home-visiting physician, how can I leverage this product to improve the delivery of our care? Why have primary care physicians yet to hop on the digital and wearables train? I came up with a long list of (about 20) hypotheses, and here are the top five I frequently encounter.

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