Concierge Primary Care and Consultations in your home/facility.

What is Concierge Home Based Medicine?

Personalized, convenient palliative focused primary care appointments from the comfort of your home. Same or next day appointments. In-person home visits or virtual well and sick visits tailored to your needs.

Concierge Medicine Benefits

Text or call 650-360-9309 to schedule a consult

All appointments/visits are billed to insurance. Member benefits subject to change without notice and based on availability. In addition to the convenience of primary care doctor house calls, Chronic Conditions management (CCM opt-in), coordination and continuity of care, goals of care discussions, referrals to medical specialists, mental-health specialists, home care services, in-home x-ray, in-home blood work, home health, hospice, etc. Our concierge members receive additional convenient and access benefits otherwise not available or covered by medicare. Concierge fee is an out of pocket expense not covered by insurance.

Appointment Reasons

Examples of why you may need an appointment.
Concierge palliative focused home based primary care

In-home and virtual preventive care, sick visits, chronic illness management, and wellness assessments. Personalized health care you need and where you need it.

  • 602-A form completion – for placement
  • Advance Care Planning, Goals of Care Discussions, Advance directive, POLST completion
  • Capacity evaluation and declaration
  • Cognitive evaluation
  • Change in condition or change in mental status
  • Chronic Illness Management and Care Coordination 
  • Cognitive impairment evaluation
  • Disability placard evaluation
  • Establish with a Primary Care doctor
  • Evaluation and treatment of non-emergent illness
  • Evaluation for placement
  • Evaluation for Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
  • Evaluation of symptoms such as cough, depression, managing diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, dementia, urinary tract infection, failure to thrive, debility and decline, fall(s), allergies, bruising, bed sores, diarrhea, constipation, sore throat, conjunctivitis, rash, lifestyle consultation, weight management education and counseling, diabetes education and counseling, constipation, ear wax impaction etc.
  • Follow up after discharge from the emergency room or the hospital
  • Referral to:
    • Home health (physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy)
    • Hospice
    • In-home x-ray
    • In-home blood work
    • Medical and mental health specialists
  • Medicare Annual Wellness Visit
  • Medication refills, Medication reconciliation and addressing polypharmacy
  • Memory problem
  • Palliative care consult
  • Routine physicals
  • Suture or staple removal
  • Telehealth (virtual care, remote visit, E-visit, digital visit)

Text or call (650) 360-9309 for questions

Our doctors and the extended team

Meet our award winning doctors and our extended team
In affiliation with UCSF Health

Service and Fee Structure
Ready to try out our services?

Call or text
(650) 360-9309

We accept Medicare part B
Select Plan
Annual, Quarter Trial, Episodic care (consult)
Intake Paperwork & Payment

Make Appointment

Sign up for secure texting if sending insurance or other sensitive information

Our Physicians and team members care deeply about their patients. Without question, we are determined to provide care and services necessary to ensure that each patient is treated well. Read More

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Dr. Padam and Dr. Sangwan are so wonderful. You really have helped me and my Mother in so many ways.
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
We want to thank you for the house visits you made and for the care you gave him.
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Thank you for your help. I cannot say how much of a difference it makes! Thank you for being there for me and my mother.