We review & reconcile your medications, assess for polypharmacy, duplicates.

Medication Reconciliation and Polypharmacy

Polypharmacy is use of 5 or more medications. Sometimes prescription and over the counter medications can have different brand names for the same medication. We review your medications for duplicates, medication over or underuse, their appropriate use and to help determine if you need to continue taking the same medication as your condition changes or improves.

Risks of Polypharmacy

Risk of Side Effects and Adverse Events increases with age and the number of medications. We go over your medications on an ongoing and as needed basis.

Prescription Drug Use

In 60–70-year-old Americans, In the last 30 days 33% have used five or more prescription medications and 83% have taken one or more. We review your medications to determine if the medications remain appropriate for long term use and discuss your options and your preferences.